Webinar: March 20th at 12:00 pm EST
The COVID-19 pandemic has quickly and drastically changed how we work. Over the next weeks and months the challenges of “how we work” will grow and evolve. Many companies have felt the impact of the shift of employees working from the office to working from home. Others will inevitably realize this challenge as social distancing becomes more aggressively implemented.
In times like this having a strong strategic partner can benefit your business. Contender Solutions is honored to be your partner and would like to invite you to a special session to learn how our Managed Services Offerings can:
In addition to these efforts, Contender Solutions is prepared to assist any customer in need with the implementation of ServiceNow’s four Emergency Response Apps (with “No Cost” services over the next 90 days) to help customers navigate COVID-19 Crisis Management. These “no charge” apps include:
Contender takes the trust of our customers seriously and is committed to stepping up to help you navigate these new challenges. Our staff is decentralized and accustomed to home-based work. This means we are well prepared to offer you consistent and reliable technical and business expertise throughout this period of change. We are ready to step up and assist.
We invite you to join us this Friday, March 20th for a web session at 12:00 pm EST to learn more about how we can provide Rapid Response solutions to assist your company and answer all of your questions. Please pass this invitation to others in your organization who you feel could benefit from participating.